Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My bad, this is a little out of order. This one was entitled, (my aching feet!)

Today we did an all out tourist day. We got the Oslo pass, so we were able to use public transportation and get into any museum we wanted. I'm not normally one>for museums, but today was fun. We started at the Viking museum and fought with tour>groups to get pictures of the ships. Then we went to>the Kon Tiki Museum. That was a fascinating museum. I never thought you really could sail a ship made of balsa wood or papyrus. From there we headed to the Folk museum. We went to go watch some folk dancing, but they asked for volunteers to join in, so I did some folk dancing myself. Then later, I volunteered me and my poor husband to be the bride and groom. I figured we were probably the only ones who had been married recently. So after they explained some of the marriage traditions, we followed the fiddler from the church to the main square. We learned that we are lucky we got married in 2006 and in the US. One of the traditions is that the couple has to wear mirrors as they walk to ward off evil spirits. After the dancing, (which we did with many other guests, and Pete didn't complain!) the guide explained that another tradition is that the bride must drink a bowl of beer and then throw the bowl over the farm house. If the bowl lands right side up, the bride will be the first to die. If it lands upside down, the groom will be the first to go. Then the whole party goes up to the bridal room and stays there they said until the couple is half naked. The next morning, the bride makes breakfast and serves it to all the guests. After all that, we headed to the ski museum which is at the base of the ski jump. To get there, you must walk up one of the steepest hills I've ever seen. Going up was fine, but coming down, I had to go back and forth as if I were downhill skiing. My legs were shot. Now we're back at the hotel, drinking beer, eating salmon and relaxing. Tomorrow we head to Stockholm.


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