Tuesday, August 08, 2006

We made it to Stockholm. The train ride was better this time until the last 2 hours when more people got on the train. I must agree with Pete, it did get hot. Stockholm was pleasantly cooler than anywhere we've been so far. We are trying to take a ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki and back, but one line is full for Tuesday. We will try the other today. And if that doesn't work out, we make take a cruise to somewhere else, or just take the train and end up in a smaller town or city for 2 nights. Finding the hotel was fun because we ended up walking much further than we needed to. The only free map, was one that wasn't very detailed, so we walked a long way the wrong way before we figured it out. The hotel is nice in that every hotel has had free internet. The odd thing is that it doesn't have a telephone, hairdryer, or real double bed. 2 beds are pushed together. That's common in Europe we've noticed. I wonder what married couples do. Maybe they sleep on their own twin bed normally. I know real double beds exist, I'll have to ask Helena today. (Update. I did ask her and she had no idea why it was like that. She has a double bed and so does everyone she knows.) We had to try and get a pay phone to work in order to call my friend from college. It has been over 10 years since we have seen each other and I can't believe we have stayed in touch. We have both moved so many times during that period. We lost 30k or about 4 dollars trying to figure out which of the numbers Helena gave us we should call. We ended>up giving up and going to dinner. We wanted to go to a Swedish place for dinner and there was a restaurant guide that led us to one in the neighborhood of our hotel. It was amazing. The food in Oslo was REALLY expensive and not all that good. A bottle of wine had a 60 to 70 percent mark up. Even a glass of beer was between 5 and 10 dollars. Needless to say, we enjoyed a bottle of good red wine, I wrote the name down so we could remember it when we got back, for all you wine lovers, you can try a Rosso Salento Feudi di San Marzano. The menu was all in Swedish, so our waiter translated it into English for us. He said the restaurant has only been open for 2 months and that the menu will be translated, it just hasn't been yet. He did a good job translating and recommended a very good appetizer. It was a feta like cheese with a walnut caked bottom and pistachios on the top and it was served on lettuce. Though we later discovered that we should have shared an entry like we have so many other times, we each got our own. Pete tried the reindeer with ligonberries and I tried the sour artichokes. Both dishes were exceptional! They were big and beautiful. We took a picture of our food to preserve the memory. They also brought out potatoes and a salad, which we didn't really need. We decided that even though we were very full, we had to try dessert, which was a homemade strawberry icecream on a chocolate bread with walnuts and a caramel sauce. We asked our waitress which numbers we should dial in order to get ahold of my friend. Since I had a home number and a cell number for Helena, she was able to tell me which numbers to dial for each. We also noticed that all the shops near us were closed, so we asked where they thought we could get a phone card. They said 7-11. I can't believe how many 7-11s there are out here. So we took a little detour to the more touristy street and did find a phone card and we were finally able to reach Helena. One call ended up costing $4 for all of maybe 5 min, but probably less. I ended up accidentally leaving my pen at the restaurant, so I asked her to email us her address when she got home. We are going to start our day, after breakfast and some time to walk around, at her apartment to see where she lives and then she'll take us around from there.


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