Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I've decided to take advantage of the free emailaccess at this hotel. I don't think it'll be free inSweden, but I may be able to write a note or two fromthere. So the latest update is that Pete and I caughtthe biggest fish yesterday. The fish bit on my line,but I was having trouble reeling it in, so Pete cameto my rescue. It took quite some time to get thefish. It actually swam under the boat and we got itfrom the other side. The fish weighed between 9 and10 kilos, which Pete the math person is telling me isabout 26lbs. It was by far the biggest one caught andwe do have pictures to prove it. Together we caughtone more of the same kind. Unfortunately, I can'ttell you the type because it was one from Norway thatI had never heard of. Someone else caught a flounderand that was by far the most interesting looking fish,it was also the first fish that was caught. We endedup fishing and talking with 3 Americans from the US. They are from Minnesota and they were there becauseBrent has family still in Norway. They were takingthe night train back to Oslo. Between the five of us,we caught 6 fish. Not bad. We gave our fish to somepeople from Holland since there was no way that wecould take that huge fish to the hotel to cook it up. Apparently the one we caught only tastes good fried. My arms are aching, so I'm sure Pete will becomplaining when he wakes up :). That turned out longer than I meant it to. My fingersjust keep typing. More to follow. Signing off from Bergen, Norway.


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