Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Today has been a relaxed, sight seeing day. We took a 90 min guided tour, went back to the room for a nice meal of salmon and strawberries, went back out for icecream and a jaunt up the cable car. Pete decided we needed to hike a bit, so what I thought was going to be less than half an hour, turned into an hour and a half hike, which was fine. I didn't realize how much the altitude affects you when you hike in Colorado. Even though we were climbing quite a bit, I never got out of breath. We started on a trail, but ended up making our own since eventually my bladder weakened and though I am not apposed to peeing in the woods, there were no woods. Just marshy land with goats in the distance. Pete lead me right into a nice wet spot. Luckily I had my Keens. (Just a quick add for Keens, they have been the best shoe ever. Perfect for water, and they do well for moderate hiking. I always feel like I'm walking on clouds, which is essential because I've been walking a lot.) After our hike, we went shopping for a Norweigen sweater and found a perfect one that was lined for a steal. We've been seeing them for $200, but we found one for about half that. And that's where the paper comes in. As I was buying my sweater, there was someone taking pictures and asked if it was ok to use me in a photo for the paper. I said sure, not knowing what the story was about. It just so happens, that earlier that day, the store was robbed by a junky. I'm not sure of the details, but I think that the junky stuck a dirty needle into the clerks arm and got away with quite a bit of money. The owner seemed pretty calm considering and kept saying, that's life. (I'd put that in quotes like a good English teacher, but I can't find them on this keyboard) Just found them. They are above the number 2. Anyway, my face turned from happy tourist, to sad tourist and I'm sure that's what will be in the paper. We will probably be on the train to Oslo before the paper comes out. Otherwise I'd buy one and put that in the good old scrapbook, which is turning out to be quite a project, but very fun and colorful. I have an 8 hour train ride to work on capturing the past 2 days. More later from Oslo.


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